Buechel Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine - Flagstaff, Arizona


Our clinic offers free consults for potential patients!  Schedule a FREE 15-20 minute consult and find out if Chinese Medicine is right for you!


January and February weekend hours

The clinic will be open Saturday January 11, and Saturday February 8.  Please call the clinic or email Teresa to schedule.



Our clinic offers free consults for potential patients!  Schedule a FREE 15-20 minute consult and find out if Chinese Medicine is right for you!


Northern Arizona’s Source for Traditional Chinese Medicine



Congratulations on Seeking a Holistic, Safe, and Effective form of Healthcare!

We offer the most comprehensive treatments in Oriental Medicine.

We hope to see you soon!

“So many people spend their health gaining wealth,
 and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health.”
 ~ AJ Reb Materi

Patient Testimonials

“I first went to Teresa for two different conditions, edema and a stubborn skin condition.  I was impressed with her very thorough intake and health history.  The session was relaxing and cozy.   Afterwards I felt relaxed and rejuvenated.  Within hours after the first appointment there was a noticeable improvement in the amount of  fluid retention. … More >>>

Contact Information

Buechel Acupuncture
Teresa Buechel L.Ac., Ma.OM
2905 N. West St
Flagstaff, Arizona 86004
Phone: 928-214-2557

Acupuncture Insights

Free Health Advice

“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.”  ~ Anne Lamott I saw this quote in a book the other day while perusing the shelves at a bookstore.  I truly believe we can be healthier (both physically and emotionally)  if we unplug from our various forms of technology!… More >>>

Copyright©2014-2024. All Rights Reserved. The content of this Flagstaff Acupuncture, Oriental Medicine, Chinese Medicine, Health and Wellness, and Herbal Medicine website is owned exclusively by acupuncturist, Teresa Buechel, L.Ac., Ma.OM of Buechel Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine [Flagstaff, Arizona].

Flagstaff Acupuncture and Holistic Health Website Design by Reliable Web Designs.